Walks from the door...

Dust off your hiking boots or lace up your trainers and discover a bit more of our beautiful countryside. It’s the season of freshly cut grass, bees and bird song and like any British summer time, probably a light shower or two. These long bright days and warm weather make stepping out for a longer than usual leg stretch feel that bit more inviting. And for those we can’t convince that a summertime walk is appealing, we’ve created a selection of walks leaving straight from the doors of our pubs. From gentle loops to more strenuous climbs, there’s a route for everyone. There’s no beer better that tastes better than a well-earned one. You can find the full routes for these pubs on their website or by asking for a leaflet at pub itself.

The Mill Inn, Mungrisdale

7.75 miles, 4-5 hours

The Bulls Head, Castleton

6.5 miles, 3-4 hours

Waggon & Horses, Matley

3.3 miles, 2.5 hours

The Swan Inn, Wybunbury

1.75 miles, 1 hour

The Smoker, Plumley

6.3 miles, 4 hours

Pilot Boat, Anglesey

8.5 miles, 3.5 hours

Egerton Arms, Astbury

3 miles, 1-1.5 hours

The Drum & Monkey, Alderly Edge

6.5 miles, 4 hours

The Seacroft, Trearddur Bay

4.5 miles, 2-3 hours

The White Lion, Alvanley

2 miles, 1.5 hours

Egerton Arms, Broxton

8¼ miles, 4 hours

Alvanley Arms, Cotebrook

3¾ miles, 2 - 2.5 hours